Saturday, November 6, 2010

Endodontic aka 'Root Canal Treatment'

i went to the dentist for my check-up
as what we have predicted earlier...
'fissure sealant' is no more effective for my front tooth
as the decayed part is too deep...
according to the dentist...
it's a waste of money & time to do 'fissure sealant'
bcos it the decay might have spread to the nerve...
i'll still suffer from pain after all...

the solution, either EXTRACTION @ RCT
one is cheaper but i lost my front tooth...
the other of course is much more expensive but i can still have my tooth back
for sure i'll choose RCT
tat's my front tooth man...
can't imagine when i smile & there's an empty space there

RCT, however, is a painful treatment
although i was given anesthetic...
but when he is inserting the 'root canal file' into my tooth,
it was so painful & the pain is unbearable
tis was the 'root canal file' that used to clean
out the interior of my tooth 

it was damn painful
the process repeats almost more 10 times
use this 'wicked' thing
pulling in & out of my tooth canal to clean the root

this is how it works...
after more than 6 or 7 times where it hurts a lot...
 i started to feel no more pain from my tooth
he said that the root has been cleaned
he repeated the steps again & again
in between, he'll wash out the debris in my tooth canal
to prevent blockage & infections

tis is my 1st treatment &
 i'll have to go back for the 2nd time treatment in one month time
according to him, the 2nd treatment won't be painful anymore
hope that he's right...

it was a PAINFUL & expensive experience
that i would not like to have the 2nd time

everyone, pls do concern about our dental health 
to avoid more PAIN in the future...

1 comment:

-pRincEsS iN dIstReSs- said...

owh..tht really sounds painful. rest well dear!